Saturday, March 6, 2010

'How We Overcame!'

Saturday 27h February 2010 Coconut Groove Regency Hotel-Accra

I am sharing the testimony of my life story with the women’s wing –The Winning Women’ of my church (KICC)today.Three of us have been invited to testify to the glory of God how we overcame the storms of life as another way of ministering and encouraging other sisters in the LORD. I am the youngest. The other two women are middle aged women with powerful life transforming testimonies of how God miraculously healed them.

The programme starts in 30 minutes. One by one, the women of faith troop in with anticipation. I personally strongly believe that none of us will leave the meeting the same as nobody comes to the presence of God and leaves the same. I am confident that someone will receive her miracle and the answer to her prayer as she listens to the real life testimonies of God’s faithfulness and Grace in the lives of the three of us.The programme invitation leaflet had quotes from the speakers. Mine read 'God's Grace sustained me as a child who lived alone since age 11'

Honestly,today will be the very first time that I will be sharing my life story with a larger group. I have mixed feelings. I am honoured to be given the platform to tell women of faith the faithfulness and goodness of God, to share with others what God has done yet I feel emotionally naked as I prepare to pour out some of the darkest moments of my life when I wondered here my God was.

‘I am sharing with you what God has done for his Glory and not to gain pity from anyone nor to boast about anything’ I began feeling tears in my eyes. ‘Gifty, it is not a time to share tears but to share what your God has done. Shame the devil by saying it loud and proud the goodness of God. Remember you are saying it to the glory of God. I heard the small voice as I hold the microphone and standing in front of the audience.

I testify that I am a living testimony of God’s ‘Grace that is sufficient for His children’ and his faithfulness in every way.

I commence my story.

Humanly speaking, all the odds were against me:
-I lost my father when I was only 6 months as I am told- I cannot even identify my father’s ghost.I heard a chorus giggle from the audience confessing that.
-My mother was a widow-20 years old then, had no education, no money and no home
-I was barely 11 when I found myself living alone as a child. I was my own mother, father and guardian. I woke up alone and lived my daily life alone. With no parent nor guardian to direct or guide me to do things for myself, the Holy Spirit did. My mother was very busy travelling around the country and sometimes to Burkina Faso as a Tomato trader. She rarely came home. But God was always at home, school and everywhere with me.

As a little girl, I followed my friends to church where i was very active at Sunday school. I followed my friends to Primary School to be enrolled, continued to Junior High, Senior High and University.

Growing up, I had troubled emotions as I struggled with bitterness, neglect, rejection and poor self-image. I saw my peers lived with their parents or guardians, came to school or church with their parents or guardians but I was alone and felt my situation was abnormal but in the eyes
of God there is no abnormal situation.

Life after Senior High School in 2003 was very tough for me as a teenager but my God was tougher. Financially,I assume the responsibility of paying rent and bills as well as caring for myself, my junior brother, my mother with a monthly allowance of GHC 10 as I volunteered for Scripture Union.

Life at the University was more challenging and tempting. With no proper source of income for University education, God was faithful to take me through.

Today, when I cast my mind back, I cannot really tell how I took care of myself from feeding to going to school, staying in school and doing very well in school with no parental guidance.God raised me when there was no one to do that. God kept my faith and purity in the midst of the harsh situations and unfavourable circumstances. I could have become anything but God knew me whiles I was still a child in my mothers and had good thoughts for my life and plans to prosper me no matter the situation or circumstance.

How did I over come as a young girl growing up and to get to where I am today?

-I have a personal relationship with God through His son Jesus Christ. I became born again at a Scripture Union camp in 2004.
-I make a decision and discipline myself to fellowship with God through daily Bibl reading and prayer
-I staying connected to God at all times-harsh or soft times
-I have fat faith in God. I dare to believe in His word and promises concerning my life. ‘A life that is entrusted in God is never waste’
-I trust God always

In Margaret's testimony, how she overcame was clear-with the WORD of God. 'I soak myself in the word of God. I read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation marking out what God says about healing. I listened to CDs'.

According to Cecilia God delivered her from the valley of the shadow of death. Her testimony carried the same winning strategy. 'I overcame by His blood and His WORD. God delivered me in the shadow

Personally,in my young experience of life, i have seen some varying degree of challenges. I have had my struggles, my darkest moments and doubts, etc but through it all, I have learnt to Trust in Jesus and to depend on His WORD. Though Sometimes I am afraid. Sometimes I fear of the unknown. Sometimes I feel like giving up but all the time I pray and read my Bible trusting God.

Believers who stay connected to Christ are never alone. God is always there whether we see, feel, smell, touch or not AT ALL TIMES.

Winning Women are women who know God's word, believe God's word and act on their belief of God's word for their lives every day.

1 comment:

  1. You are a blessing girl....and God has much more in store for you! No eye has seen nd no ear has heard the good things He will do for you.
    Stay favoured
